Last Update : 1st Mar 2018
This provision should be read in conjunction with the HKETC General Terms & Conditions.
2.1 HKETC provides a wide range of Web Hosting Solutions and related services for customer's choice to hire, details of service features posted as per website.
2.2 HKETC Web Hosting Service does not accept applications for pornography and gambling sites.
3.1 After user application is made to HKETC Web Hosting Service and agreed to comply with these terms, the Company will notify the user by email the Start Date, Expiration Date and other related matters, and is marked on the notice of the Start Date for Billing. If user have any objection, one should notify the company within five days from the Start Date mentioned in our email. Without any objection from the customer, the customer has been treated as acceptance of the service content and the Start Date.
3.2 Application for Termination of Web Hosting Service, the applicant must notify the company 15 days before the Expiration Date, in formal written notice specify the Expiration Date with stamp , to proceed required procedures for Termination of Service; otherwise, will be treated as renewal of service.
4.1 The hire and payment terms of the service depending on terms mentioned in the application form and this Terms of Service.
4.2 The company has the right to adjust the service charges.
4.3 The user shall pay the charges in accordance with the company notice. Any objection regarding to Calculation of Charge Details are required to submit reason in written notice to the company before the payment deadline. Without notifying the company, user shall not refuse payment.
4.4 The user shall settle all amounts due before payment deadline. Overdue payment for more than a month will be charged an annual interest 1.5% on monthly basis from the day after the due date, and include in the next bill. The company may at any time terminate user account for overdue more than 2 months.
For User terminate the service or user in violation of the terms and conditions and terminated by the Company, the Company will not refund any paid charges, no matter in part or full.
6.1 The user should bear all legal responsibilities derived from the Internet.
6.2 The user should comply with the international rules and practices of the Use of Internet :
6.2.1 Prohibited any system intrusion on the internet.
6.2.2 Destruction of internet systems and services is prohibited.
6.2.3 Retrieve, use, and published informal disclosure or unauthorized resources is prohibited.
6.2.4 Engage with the breach of public order, good morals and illegal behaviour is forbidden.
6.2.5 Prohibited from engaging in contrary to public order, good customs, and behaviour against the law.
6.2.6 Prohibit the hosted website has establishment of any violation of the laws & regulations or trafficking in illicit goods publicly or behavior of involve defamation, intimidation of others and any unlawful infringement of others' rights.
If user involves violation, the Company may delete such content information or terminate the services of the user, and for results of any consequences and possible loss be borne by the user, the Company assumes no responsibility.
6.3 In order to maintain the normal operation, the various functions of the system and to protect the rights of all web hosting users, user should comply with the following provisions (except special agreement). In case of any irregularities, your web hosting site will be shut down immediately until the content be changed or amended. During the shutdown period, the company will not make any compensation or service extension and reserves the right to pursue.
6.3.1 Prohibit the send of unsolicited email or send a large number of other electronic information, such as news group information, and all email sent should not affect or damage the system server as principle nor in any way to send large amounts of unsolicited email on the Internet and / or send a large number of electronic information and cause systems obstacles for the Company.
6.3.2 Prohibit storage of or illegal transfer for any information and pictures involved obscene, indecent, verbal abuse and slander
6.3.3 Should not store and allow others to download copyright files which belongs to other people or companies, including, but not limited to, software, images, movies or songs.
6.3.4 Prohibit install and execute chat room programs, games, files exchange programs written in CGI / ASP / PHP or other programming language, tying up server resources heavily, seriously affect to the interests of other websites.
6.3.5 When user execute CGI / ASP / PHP or other language programs which consume heavily on shared system resources, ie. the company servers' processor, memories, or broadband bandwidth; as to protect other users' rights, the Company reserves the right to forcibly shut down the programs or the websites. Any user violation, the Company reserves the rights for necessary emergency disposal without notice.
6.4 The User adopt the service must not hinder other users or affect the normal operation of the Company's systems. Any person who contravenes and not improve within 24 hours after noticed by the Company; or cause the Company's systems or other users' obstacle, the Company may force to suspend or terminate the service.
6.5 The company provide various service functions and programs to user, its intellectual property rights are attributable to the Company, users are only allowed to use voluntarily within the scope of the service. If any infringement situation, ie. copy, change or provide to others usage , the company in addition to force for service termination, may claim damages.
7.1 The company is liable for the custodial responsibility for the users' data and information stored in our systems, and if any damage caused by the company, the company will not charge one month of existing monthly service fee as compensation, apart from this, the company does not responsible for other liabilities.
7.2 The user is required to build, maintain and update its own content, data and information, and can only be stored in the directory of the Company allocated to. The user has the ownership and the rights to use the information stored in the company's system, and agree to bear the full liability.
7.3 The user should consider as own requirement to backup their data and information or insure related insurance, as to fill or mitigate possible damages suffered.
7.4 As Internet is connected and used by different networks, the company does not guarantee the accuracy and completeness of the information retrieved from network, nor assurance the data transfer speed rate between the user and the company. The user as a result of the foregoing reasons or the occurrence of direct or indirect losses, the company is not liable for compensation or any liabilities.
7.5 If the user's system be invaded, destructed or data be seized or other infringement conditions by third party via internet, thus lead to any direct or indirect losses, the company is not liable for compensation or any liabilities.
7.6 Any damages due to telecommunications line disorder, blocking and lead to data error, hysteresis, interrupt, or cannot be transmitted, the company is not liable for compensation or any liabilities.
7.7 As a result of any losses caused by the poor transmission quality of the telecommunication line which hired by the user, the user should contact the telecommunication line service provider for maintenance, the Company is not responsible for this maintenance and any losses of the user.
7.8 Any line interruption or damages caused by force majeure include, but not limited to, typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, power outages, war, undersea cable fracture, the company is not liable for recovery and compensation.
7.9 For the user hire this service, in addition to the provisions of this clause and the service contract, the company is not responsible for any other compensations.
7.10 In case of system capacity limitation or necessity of system maintenance, the Company may suspend or restrict the user to use the service.
8.1 Application for hire the service, user is required to complete the application from HKETC website or from the company via fax. If false data lead to any dispute, voluntarily responsible by user.
8.2 For Mailing Address or Email Address, the company rely on the information provided by the login user, user should update both Mailing Address and Email Address frequently via HKETC Customer Panel.
The Company reserves the rights to modify this Terms of Service.